Sunday, June 22, 2008

Part One

Once upon a time in the land of purple swirls and yummy tea, there was a Princess named Blue. Princess Blue was not your typical princess. She did not care about being a lady and proper table setting and learning her etiquette and manners. What she enjoyed was causing mischief and not doing as she was told and being someone that others practically forbade her to be.

One day Princess Blue was wandering aimlessly around the castle when she heard one of her tutors looking for her. She had completely forgotten about her etiquette classes (who wants to act like a lady, anyway?), and ran away from the elderly female voice calling out her name. She ran so far and without notice of where she was going, she seemed to get lost in the castles many corridors. Turning this way and that, she heard nothing save her own breathing. Worry started to creep up on her when she heard voices coming from down the hall she was standing in and around the corner. Frightened, she skirted around the hall, trying many doors, all of which we locked. The voices grew louder, and she was afraid of who it might be... for she had never been to this part of the castle... she was never allowed. She also didn't want to get caught fearing she'd be taken back to her silly lessons.

Leaning against a door with a defeated sigh, she fell backwards as the door gave way and fell into a room, the door swinging shut right in front of her. Before she could question it, she heard the voices start down the hall, pass the door, and the disappaear again. She let out a big breath, glad not to have been seen, and she rose from the floor, dusting herself, she heard strange noises coming from behind her which - curiosity getting the better of her - caused her to turn around and take a look.

*originally written on January 14, 2008

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